Category: Fresh Starts

“Today, many will break through the barriers of the past by looking at the blessings of the present.   Why not you?”
~  Steve Maraboli

Happy Monday friends.   It’s the first Monday of a new month, and I wanted to share another message about re-birth which I ran across this weekend.   It’s from a yogic perspective.   And it’s a perfect reminder that we have a choice.   In the blessing of the present moment,  when we remain in mindfulness, right here and now, we can make the choice as to the person that we want to be, or not to be, the things we wish to do, or not to do, the dreams we pursue or don’t pursue. read more

"Breaking through your self-imposed barriers (and they are all self-imposed) is the greatest challenge you will ever face. But face them you must." ~ Mary-Frances Winters

"Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." ~ Buddha

"Have nothing in your life that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." ~ William Morris

"When you say "Yes" to something, you include something you do want in your experience. When you say "No" to something, you include something you don't want in your experience." ~ Abraham-Hicks

"Don't wait for the stars to align. Reach up, rearrange them the way you want them to be. Create your own constellation." ~ Pharrell Williams

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