Category: Motivation

“And then we did our giving and taking, and our poses, regular as clockwork ... I had learned a long time before, that keeping them up every day was more important than the problems that would always arise and try to stop them.” ~ Friday, from the book "How Yoga Works"

"It takes so much courage just to start."

“The study of asana is not about mastering posture.  It’s about using posture to understand and transform yourself.”
~ B.K.S. Iyengar, “Light on Yoga”

I really wanted to stay in bed this morning.   After a string of unusually hot and still days, our wonderful tradewinds have returned.   It was nice and cool, as I lay under my sheet, lost in a dream.   But a lone seagull’s call kept piercing my silence, almost like I’d put my alarm on snooze.

So I got up.   This is my yoga practice. read more

"Have nothing in your life that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." ~ William Morris

"We are earth people on a spiritual journey to the stars. Our quest, our earth walk, is to look within, to know who we are, to see that we are all connected to all things, that there is no separation, only in the mind." ~ Lakota Seer

"When you say "Yes" to something, you include something you do want in your experience. When you say "No" to something, you include something you don't want in your experience." ~ Abraham-Hicks

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