“I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born.”
~  Isaiah 66:9

Once again, the universe delivers a sunrise so befitting for the message I wish to share today.   There are certainly days that we feel like a dark cloud is hovering over us.   Do we run for cover, or do we hang in there, in anticipation of singing in the rain?

Yesterday morning, I left the house, feeling conflicted and confused after a challenging conversation with my boyfriend.   A dark cloud of uncertainty filled the air.

The first stop on errand day was to the laundromat to pick up villa sheets.   Behind the checkout counter, the manager stood, proudly displaying a tee-shirt which read:

God is in control.
Trust with the Heart,
What the mind cannot understand.






I wanted to hug her.   It was just the message that I needed … !!!  It immediately put a smile on my face and a spring back in my step.

When we have faith in God, and his plan for us, even the darkest clouds will become illuminated with hope.

Marcelo Gleiser writes:  “It would be quite naïve to expect a life without conflict, naïve and boring. After all, as we struggle to find solutions, conflict leads to new ways of thinking. Nothing ever changes in a world without discord. We see this in our lives; we see this in science. In fact, in science crises are essential: Without them there is no innovation. A life lived in harmony can’t be a life without conflict. It must be a life where conflict leads to growth. Harmony is not the absence of conflict. It is the state in which conflict leads to positive change. Harmony is dynamic, not static.”

Don’t run from your problems.  That won’t make the clouds disappear.  Life is about learning to sing in the rain ….







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Walking my Talk
Fuck It - Throwing Caution to the Wind