“Faith is seeing light with your heart, when all your eyes see is darkness.”
~ Unknown

I awoke to the sound of chaise lounges moving overhead.

My villa guests joining me this morning in my practice.

I watched my mind begin to cling to it’s ritual …

“You won’t be able to sit on your bench with the guests out so early!”

And so, my breath practice begins …..

Breathe in peace, exhale stress.

Not to be deterred …

I grab a pillow and place it on the floor, out of sight.

I sit. In easy pose, half lotus.

My left knee, no longer comfortable with full lotus.

I catch how quickly the mind judges, and I let it pass.

The sun is still below the horizon. Dark clouds obscuring it’s entryway.

I begin with balancing of the mind & spirit – 20 Rounds of Nadi breath …

Alternating left, right …. I breathe in, I breathe out.


I move into energy gathering ….

Hook up – Create an Energy Ball – Connect Heaven and Earth.

I move energy into my 4th chakra: The heart.

The color, Green.

I offer gratitude to the divine spirit.

Above, I over hear my guests exclaim:

“I have never seen such an amazing view in all my life!”

She who practices gratitude, always receives it in return.

My heart is happy.


I offer a prayer to self:

“May you be happy, may you be well, may you be at peace.”

Lovingkindness: I extend this prayer …. as far as my heart can gather …

To my parents, my friends, my teachers, and those that trouble me.

May all living beings be happy and at peace.


The slow process of sitting, of mindfulness, of vipassana, begins.

The unfolding of the ego ….

Mind begins to think about what it shall write.

I watch as this thought slowly passes.

This practice is not of the mind …

“Be patient,” Spirit says ….

Sit with me a while ….

“I will offer you something to write about.”

I move back to breath practice.

Oh yes, this practice has so much to do with patience …

And faith.


There is much for the eye to take in this morning …

Two cruise ships dance across the still waters …

My cats, enjoying the new routine, head around the corner ….

Looking for lizards no doubt.

I take a photo of them …

The sunrise, seemingly, will be nothing special today …


The mind again wanders, and I recount a conversation yesterday …

A friend shares that she is ready to begin her own yoga practice.

She has found her teacher.

I smile inwardly, for I know this is just the beginning. …

The teacher, life itself.

Asana – to sit quietly … to find peace in any moment.


The body grows restless.

I can sit through this, or move out of struggle.

I get up, to warm my coffee.

I take my seat again.


The glorious show has begun.

I watch as the heavens begin to shine their light.

“See!!” Divine Spirit smiles down at me ….

“All I ask of you is your faith.”

And there is the green heart in the clouds.

The love that shines in you, that shines in me.

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.


(And stream of consciousness writing begins …
in the moment, from the heart …
all thought of my and mine, replaced by something more)

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Winter into Spring: Dormancy, Thinking & Awareness
To Be & Not to Be Happy