“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” 
   ~  Maggie Smith

Good morning friends, and happy Monday.   It’s the start of a new week, into a new month.   My journal says it’s a month to blossom from a caterpillar to a butterfly.   From deep within, to emerge into whom I am becoming.

This takes strength and courage.   It means living a life in full expression.   And I asked many questions yesterday, which relate to our inability to fully be ourselves.   With a free flowing 5th Throat Chakra, we take on the responsibility of change and transformation.

As a blogger, we’re informed not to be too upset when people don’t comment on posts.  Statistics show that only about 1% of all readers ever will.

Yet, it’s been said God gave us a mouth, a voice, and maybe a keyboard for a reason:  To use it!   The very 1st amendment of our constitution declares that it’s your God given right.

But, so many of us are afraid to use this powerful gift.   I know I used to be.   I was scared to death that I’d say the wrong thing.   And that people won’t like me because of it.     Good girls should be seen and not heard!!   We keep it all bottled up inside, until it becomes a poison.  Anger ensues.   Which will become explosive when finally released.

The 5th Ckakra is our center of willpower, communication, and creative expression.    It is located in the throat, and represented by the color blue.   It has the capacity for healing (or hurting).

Carolyn Myss writes:  “Fears related to our willpower exist within each chakra.   We fear having no authority of power of choice in our lives, first within our tribes, then within our personal and professional relationships.   And then we fear having no authority with ourselves, being out of control when it comes to our responses to substances, to money, to power, to another person’s emotional control over our well-being.   And finally, we fear the will of God.  The notion of releasing our power of choice to a divine force remains the greatest struggle for the individual seeking to become conscious.”

She states further:  “At some point we will reach a moment when we ask, Who is in charge of my life?  Why aren’t things working out the way I want?  No matter how successful we are, at some point we will become conscious that we feel incomplete.  Some unplanned event or relationship or illness will show us that our personal power is insufficient to get us through the crisis.  We are meant to grow spiritually, and to become aware that our personal power is limited.  We are meant to wonder if some other “force” is acting in our lives and ask, Why is this happening?  What do you want from me?  What am I meant to do?   What is my purpose?  And yet, then when we seek divine guidance, we are fearful of what that voice will say.”

The physical energies of the 5th chakra guide us to the point of surrender.  As we do this, we begin to live a life filled with compassion.   We begin to develop discipline of will which allows us to refrain from releasing negative thoughts towards others and ourselves.   By being nonjudgmental, we attain wisdom and defeat our fears.    We begin to trust the words that will come out of our mouth, hopefully because they are in alignment with divine guidance.

And this is why I skipped to this chakra.   A decision needed to be made.   And although I’d already made it, a circumstance came up to challenge it.   I was placed in a 3-way conversation.   I needed to gather my energy here, pulling it together to speak my mind, with authority, yet without hurting feelings.   I knew that my decision was going to disappoint others.   I bid my time, being present to the anguish of holding back.    Knowing full well it would have been better to just deal with it straight away.

Resultant Illnesses:
If we keep our self expression bottled up, here are some illnesses that may result:

  • body language such as:  putting a finger over your mouth while listening, lip biting, speaking out of the side of your mouth, blushing, wearing high collars of suppression
  • issues with the thyroid gland, which is located in this region
  • diseases of the throat, such as tonsillitis, laryngitis and sore throats (or lump in the throat
  • ear problems such as tinnitus or ringing in the ear and even deafness
  • lung problems such as bronchitis, sinustitis, post nasal drip, and habits such as smoking
  • mouth problems such as cold sores, grinding teeth and dreams that relate to teeth

Guidelines for Balancing:—————–

  • Work on being less judgmental and having expectations
  • Live the Divinity Prayer:  Have the courage to make the choices we need to make, accept what we cannot change, and gain the wisdom to know the difference.   We only learn this through practice!  Let go of the fear of making mistakes !!
  • Journal, blog, write, sing, dance.  Learn to express your joys and sorrows without holding back.
  • Stop using the word “try”.  Become a “doer”.
  • Don’t waste your time on gossip.   Begin learning to use your well chosen words wisely.
  • Work with your spirituality, releasing the need to always be in control.  Give your power over to the divine.

Physical Practices:

  • Wear and meditate on the color blue
  • Carry stones of blue such as turquoise, tanzanite and blue lapis
  • Meditate with incense of frankensense and sandalwood
  • Work with yoga postures of Matsyasana (= Fish), Halasana (= Plough) and Sarvangasana (= Shoulder Stand. All of these are really good for the thyroid gland.

So today friends, how about these good words of wisdom:

If you don’t know, ask.  If you don’t agree, argue.  If you don’t like it, by all means say so.   But don’t sit there quiet and judge me 😉

Have a wonderful week. Get out there, get the lump out of your throat, and go express !!!

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Questions for Self-Expression
Questions for Relationships & Self-Worth