“When the sun is shining, I can do anything; No mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.”
~ William Rudolph

Gosh what a beautiful sunrise. I was up late last night with friends, yet wouldn’t have missed this time for the world.

And my thoughts were so clear from some conversations.

This world is run by fear.

And if I’ve had a few cocktails, I like to examine it. Sometimes not the best time for others, but the fear becomes exposed …

Then when the daylight comes …. What do we do with it? We stuff it all back inside … We resume our hectic lifestyles to bury the fear … Like it isn’t there. Doesn’t exist.

But I know it does.

Someday, I’d like the rebel warrior inside of me to lay down it’s battle. But what then? The fear I see inside everyone else will remain.

I suppose I will have reached realization. I will leave well enough alone ….

Here’s a story that continued to run through my mind as I sat today, and watched the rain dissolve the tears (and fears) I feel for humanity ….

What will you feed today ….. ? Don’t give into the angry and fearful wolf ❤

(And best of luck to my friend Bridgette Kossor, who overcame her fear, and is auditioning for “The Voice” today. What a beautiful, shining example you are ….)

A Cherokee Legend of Two Wolves

“A fight is going inside me” said a young Cherokee warrior to his grandfather …..

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves” …

“One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”

“The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”


Here is the same story, but it is called “Grandfather Tells”.

An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, “Let me tell you a story.”

“I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those that have taken so much, with no sorrow for what they do.”

“But hate wears you down, and does not hurt your enemy. It is like taking poison and wishing your enemy would die. I have struggled with these feelings many times.”

He continued, “It is as if there are two wolves inside me.”

“One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him, and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way.”

“But the other wolf, ah! He is full of anger. The littlest thing will set him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger,for his anger will change nothing.”

“Sometimes, it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit.”

The boy looked intently into his Grandfather’s eyes and asked, “Which one wins, Grandfather?”

The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, “The one I feed.”






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