“Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand.
The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”
~ Alexander Graham Bell

Ah! This morning’s sunrise was just delicious!! It’s been a while since we’ve had clear enough skies for a true “sun rise”. And I couldn’t have asked for a more appropriate photo or a quote to express my thoughts today.

Yesterday, I asked a friend and client to focus. Actually, it was more of a plea and a mandate than a request. And I have to chuckle this morning. Because after two weeks of feeling pretty diffused myself, I’m expecting that when I snap my little coaching fingers, she will be able to turn her focus on, just like that. But, oh, how I hope so LOL ….

MindRealty.com suggests (as do I):

The secret of success is focus and perseverance.

It is the one secret that ties everything together. According to the law of attraction, what you focus on is what you get. Therefore when you focus on all the qualities of success, you attract them to you. The more you do actions that lead to success, the more success you experience. The success of anything you do begins with focus. That’s when you call all your powers together for the accomplishment of a thing. Focus is an act of will which is the faculty that rules everything.

When you sit down to do a piece of work that requires thinking, you may not receive inspiration at first.

But when you focus on the work at hand, you will start to attract thoughts about it that you can work on. Then those thoughts will attract more thoughts and before you now it, you are in the flow. Each time you come to a stop, continue to focus and you will find yourself moving again. This is the secret of creating from nothing. You attract all the parts of the work together simply by using the power of focus.

The lack of focus is the reason for failure. When you are procrastinating, hesitating, dragging and stopping, it is because you are focusing on the stuff that takes your focus away from the stuff that contributes to your work. Focusing on the problems causes lack of focus on the solution. Focusing on the negative causes lack of focus on the positives. Focusing on other things causes lack of focus on the primary thing.

Therefore if you want to achieve maximum and fastest results, keep your eye on the ball.

Almost all “work” is project oriented. Yesterday, I began fulfilling an idea I’ve had for an e-book. The lack of the design of this book is holding me back (or so I tell myself). I received inspiration to complete this vision over the weekend. I will not stop working on the project until I am 100% done. Not 65%, not 90%. Done. And while I worked on collecting the things I need to finish the project yesterday, it began to feel like a real drag.  Just as one of my quotes on inspiration said yesterday: “From ground level, creativity looks like a to-do list”.  And the thought of that quote kept me going, until I had the materials for every single chapter. Not 4 of the 5. All 5. Today I will now take those materials, and begin writing my own words. Tomorrow, I will work on design of the book. Etc. until its done. Likely to the exclusion of a few other projects that will try to distract me. Likely from my own doubting mind which will try to tell me that this book probably is low on my list of many other priorities.

To my friend and client who will likely read this, I love you! And I want to see your work, shining as boldly as that sun!! Let’s make it happen!!!

And to my boyfriend, I’m proud of you for completing your own accounting yesterday, under your own free will. Way to go!!

And to all of you my dear readers:  I hope you’ve found some inspiration yesterday.  And are now ready to take a project (any project, pick one), and recommit yourself to focusing through to completion.

Want some more quotes on focusing for success:

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