Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen … that stillness becomes a radiance.
~ Morgan Freeman

Back in the day, Morgan Freeman was a frequent visitor to the Virgin Islands via his modest sail boat. I met him once. He was hanging out at a local marina bar, just like everyone else. And when I came upon this quote, I knew in my heart that the radiating intelligence and aura that shines from this beautiful being likely has come from watching many a sun rise, and many a sun set. He seems to embody stillness, doesn’t he …

I wondered this morning about Spencer, in this vast still sea. Are the seas that he is traversing equally as still ? Was his sunrise and sunset as beautiful ? Is he photographing his experience, finding time for himself amidst the stillness?

Swami Premananda writes: When you’re with stillness, you merge on some level with everything around you. You can’t pin-point where it’s coming from. From inside? From outside? Where? It just is. It is just this moment of peace and stillness. This is what you should be experiencing in your meditation. When you become very good at it, you will have the stillness with you all the time. It doesn’t leave. It never leaves. It is constantly with you—a sense of being. A sense of completion. And a sense of silence. A level of peace is with you at all times.

And I leave you with this beautiful tidbit entitled ‘Daily Nourishment’ by Tim Ong ….

Nourish your Spirit with Stillness
Nourish your Mind with Knowledge
Nourish your Heart with Unconditional Love
Nourish your Body with Living Food
Nourish your Relationships with Thoughtfulness

I hope you find some time for self today, nourishing your spirit with stillness, and all the rest … Happy Saturday ♥

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