“Crying is one of the highest devotional songs.   One who knows crying, knows spiritual practice.   If you can cry with a pure heart, nothing else compares to such a prayer.   Crying includes all of the principles of Yoga.”
Yogi Kripalvananda

Do you agree?

It took me a long while before I stopped crying every time we chanted OM to end our yoga sessions.   And I remember how I would struggle, to try and hold back the tears.

But the only way out is through.

In the end, the tears were all released.   I just let them roll – slowly, effortlessly, unabashedly – down my cheek.

And guess what.   No one ever laughed at me.

My sadness for humanity, including my own, has grown into compassion.   Ache has been replaced with understanding.   Yoga – offering yourself to join with the divine – has a sneaky way of opening the heart, of washing away pain and suffering, and filling you instead with tears of joy.



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