Archive: April 2014

When we turn off the outer physical world and tune in to the silence of our inner beauty, we will find the peace that surpasses all understanding.  The easiest and most dependable way to tune inside is through meditation.

"One bank of the river is happiness, the other misery. It's best to stay in the midst of the stream, and away from the banks." ~ unknown

"A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses." ~ Chinese Proverb

"In a happy marriage, stand together, but not too near. For the pillars of the temple stand apart, the oak tree and the cyprus cannot grow in each other's shadow." ~ Kahlil Gibran

"We find in all philosophies - the proposition: everything is one!" ― Friedrich Nietzsche

“Surrender is a positive, healthy state. Being a surrendered person does not mean one is beaten down and so hopeless he or she has “given up.” It’s quite the contrary. Surrender is a state of living in the flow, trusting what is, and being open to serendipity and surprises.” ~ Dr. Judith Orloff

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