“In a happy marriage, stand together, but not too near.
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
the oak tree and the cyprus cannot grow in each other’s shadow.” 

   ~  Kahlil Gibran

Good morning friends, and how was your April Fools Day yesterday?   Anyone get fooled?   Spencer was kind enough not to try to pull anything, but I was had on-line by some friends a couple of times.   Yep, I’m pretty gullable 🙂

Yesterday I asked some personal questions that delved into our relationships.   All the attachments by which we maintain control over our external lives such as authority, other people, or money are linked up here.

Dr. Page writes:  “The base and sacral chakra perform together in the most intricate dance.   We cannot find the place of inner security sitting in isolation on top of a mountain, and yet, if we attach our sense of self to our relationship with other people, work, material objects or concepts, we will invariably feel insecure and lack confidence.”

“The whole matter of independence versus dependence is the key issue when viewing the 2nd sacral chakra, where ultimately both need to become absorbed by an even greater facet of relationships, interdependence.  Interdependence allows us each to know and to walk their own path while happily supporting a common beam, the relationship in honor of the great journey.”   We must learn to honor one another.

Learning to bring this energy center into balance, we develop the ability and stamina to survive financially and physically on our own, and to defend ourselves. We gain the ability to take risks, to rebel when necessary, and become talented at personal and professional decision-making.

Who hasn’t experienced struggles in this arena ??

I mentioned yesterday that we move through this chakra every 7 years. Ever wonder why many people find themselves in divorce in their late 40s and earl 50’s (ages 49-56)? You can now blame your second energy center for this !!!

It is said that through this chakra, we “attract” to ourselves, relationships that help us to come to know ourselves. When the student is ready, the teacher will come! The spiritual challenge is to learn to interact consciously with others: to form unions with people who support our development and to release relationships that handicap our growth.

We mature when we come to honor the duality inherent here, when we begin to understand that everyone who walks into our live, has been brought through our own energy, and is there to teach us something.

Resultant Illnesses:
If we don’t learn to release what’s serving us, illnesses that originate in this energy center are activated by the fear of losing control …

  • The most common body language, is for women to gain fat in the sacral area, reflecting a desire to be nurtured, but fear of losing anyone too close
  • money issues can create problems here:  scarcity of money translates unconsciously to scarcity in our vital life force.
  • chronic pain in the lower back and hips can ensue
  • arthritis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • problems in the reproductive system
  • prostate cancer

Guidelines for Balancing:

  • Create a space in your home where you can offer yourself solace and nurturing
  • Work on your ability to receive.  If you find this hard, start with small things.
  • Take a risk.  What childhood dreams still need fulfilling?
  • Make sure every day contains one aspect of self-care:  buy flowers, take a long bath, get a massage, meet up with a friend, stay in if you feel like it.
  • Release all unrequited love and unexpressed grief.  Write letters to get it out, then burn them.
  • Take time between completion and planting of new seeds to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
  • Stop and smell the flowers.   Get out in nature, and become aware of your surroundings.
  • Use your higher self, through meditation, to aid communication in difficult relations.
  • Offer gratitude for those difficult people in your life.   Remember, they are meant as teachers.

Physical Practices:

  • Wear and meditate on the color orange (pumpkin color to peach).   You might wish to balance it with a hint of blue from the root chakra.  This recalls for me a favorite scarf I used to wear to difficult business meetings.
  • Carry stones of orange such as red coral, orange calcite, or orange colored topaz
  • Meditate with ylang ylang or rose oils or incense of saffron
  • Work with yoga postures of Trikonasana (= Triangle), Bakāsana (= Crow), Bhujangasana (= Cobra), Ardha Matsyendrasana (= Twist)

Happy Hump day everyone!  Will you be thinking a bit differently today about all those challenging people you draw into your life ??


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Questions for Relationships & Self-Worth
My soul is dancing