“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
~ Theodore Roosevelt

Our next chapter in Think and Grow Rich appears to be an interesting one. It’s on sexuality, charisma & creativity. I’ve not had a chance to read it yet, so this morning I pulled out a little book Spencer got me a few years back … from the Napoleon Hill Foundation: “365 Meditations for Making Each Day a Success.”

So I’ll share with you today’s meditation from February’s topic of Personal Initiative.

If you start at the top, you can move in only one direction – Downward:

“Perhaps the worst thing that might have happened to you would be to have been born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth.

For had you been born into privilege, you would have been deprived of one of the greatest gifts: The opportunity to reach the highest levels of success of which you are capable, solely on the basis of your own merit.

If you were born with less than most, don’t resent others who seem to have more advantages.

In truth, the real advantage is yours, for you will develop the self-confidence that comes only from meeting life’s challenges on your own terms.

As you progress, you gain the strength and knowledge necessary to assure your enduring success, things that cannot be given to you, but must be earned.”

And here’s a very inspiring site and quotes on the value of work from Achieve Your Life Mission.com ….

The blog’s writer was inspired by W. Clement Stone, who attributes all of his success to Napoleon Hill. Hill would help Stone turn $100 into a multi-billion dollar insurance empire, all through the principles found in our book.


Good thoughts to end this week. I’m wishing you a wonderful Sunday …..

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