“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”
~ Halford E. Luccock

I’m a bit sleepy this morning, but fortunately I heard my villa guests out on the patio above, which woke me up just in time to catch this heart in the sky as it was dissipating …

Happy Valentines Day !!!

And what a perfect topic we have in store to start this holiday: The power of the mastermind group.

Truth be told, we need one another !!!

And if we are to succeed in life, Napoleon Hill says that our spouse needs to be 100% on board with our dreams, goals and desires.

So I’d like to take this moment to thank my spouse, Spencer, his family and mine, for always supporting me in my adventures. I couldn’t have done it without them!

As we move from taking ideas in our head, to putting plans in place for their fulfillment, we may come to realize that it’s going to take some work !! As Hill says, you can’t get something for nothing !!!

“Plans are useless without sufficient power to turn them into action.”

Where do we get that power?

In his last chapter, Hill shared the importance of will-power. That’s the power we develop ourselves … Our own internal driving force.

But if we take our own strong will-power, and combine it with the organized effort of two or more people – working towards a definite end in the spirit of harmony – we become unstoppable …

“The courage of separate individuals is nothing compared with that of a united team.”

“When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony, and work toward a definite objective, they place themselves in a position to absorb power directly from that great universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence.”

How do you feel about this statement? Have you experienced that “ah-hah” or “wow, what an idea!” more frequently when you’ve been “bouncing ideas around” with someone you love and respect?

I sure have. Mutually generated ideas seem to create other ideas, ideas which weren’t individually present at the beginning of the brain storming session. It’s like pure magic!

As Spencer read through the summary I shared yesterday, and we sat and had a little discussion over breakfast, he noted that for me, finding a Mastermind Group, has been a challenge.

Hill notes that new knowledge can be obtained in 3 ways:
1) from experiment and research
2) from accumulated experience and
3) infinite intelligence.

It can be outright difficult if we depend on just our own efforts to assemble all the knowledge we need and turn it into definite plans of action. Especially if our plans are big and comprehensive.

We will need a team of people we can trust to bring any big plans to fruition.

This group does not have to be large. In fact, Hill notes that it should not exceed 12 people, and the smaller the better.

There’s alot of talk on the web these days about assembly of “tribes”.

I know I’m not the only one who has struggled, trying to find people that share my unique point of view in life. Especially when this comes to fulfilling a life purpose, and putting my values into economic achievement.

I mean honestly … think about what my advertisement might look like on Match.com: “Compassionate female, vegan, yogi-buddhist, techie, entrepreneur, living in the Virgin Islands seeks …”

Not alot of “mes'” out there! Now, take my “I AM” and turn that into a money making venture ?!?!

I’m sure I’ve raised a chuckle in quite a few of you, and you can probably see my dilemma !!

Much of everything I know has been self-taught and self-developed. And it has been a real challenge.

In my previous ventures, I have found small groups of people to aid me. To be my compadres in our mutual service to others.

But what does this next venture look like, and who’s to help me ??

As the editor’s of my copy of T&GR note:  The question that immediately comes to every reader’s mind is, “Where do I find people who will help me to that degree?”

Napoleon Hill cannot answer that question for us, but he does tell us what to look for (which I’ll share tomorrow).

Where we look for our mastermind group is up to us.

I made a vow after my last venture that my days of both employer and employee in brick and mortar businesses were over.

As I’ve been thinking through my last idea, it moves back into brick and mortar.  So my only option here would be to form a co-operative … Humm, now there’s an idea !!!

It can seem in this electronic age that every idea has been taken. But I assure you that isn’t true.

Each of us is unique, and it’s how we use that uniqueness to bring lonely tribes of people together that is the ticket.  Hill again asks us to think of Gandhi. 200 million people strong.

So, if we really do have the desire to succeed, we will start looking, and won’t give up until we find the right people.

TEAM: Together, Each Achieves More!



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A midway point recap.
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