This morning’s post goes out to my dear friend Bridgette Kossor, who appears to have suffered a slight stroke yesterday morning. And no doubt the heart shaped clouds formed up just for her  … I felt it as they came into being.  ❤

So, my dear, the lord has given you another chance. When Bridgette called me yesterday morning, she was already beating herself up for not taking better care of herself. I gently reminded her not to live in regret …

To quote Neme Sis: “Regret is a waste of time. There is only the eternal now.”

So what a way to start today’s discussion on “The Mastery of Procrastination” as understood by Napoleon Hill.

Why do we put off doing certain things, especially when we know they are for our own good ?

Procrastination is a deeply seated habit, and lack of making decisions was near the head of the list for the 25,000 people Hill interviewed.

“Procrastination – the opposite of decision – is a common enemy which practically every person must conquer.”

We are again reminded: “Successful people have the habit of reaching decisions promptly, and of changing these decisions slowly. People who fail to achieve success, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.”

So what advice does Hill offer?

1. Make you own decisions. (yes, period).

You have a brain and mind of your own. Use it! If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no desire of you own. Keep your own counsel.

There’s that old saying: “Opinions are just like butt holes. Everyone has one.”

Thousands of men and women carry inferiority complexes all through life because some well-meaning person destroyed their confidence through opinions or ridicule.

2. Keep your mouth shut!

If you need facts or information from others, acquire what you need quietly, without disclosing your purpose.

And here’s what I believe to be one of the most important sentences in this entire book:

“Keep our eyes and ears open – and our mouths closed – if we wish to acquire the habit of prompt decisions.”

Write this where you can see it daily: Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.”

“The mark of genuine wisdom is modesty and silence.”

“By talking too much, you may disclose your plans and purpose to people who will take great delight in defeating you, because they envy you.”

Take NO ONE into your confidence except the members of your Master Mind group. And be sure that you choose this group with the greatest of care. Choose only people who are in complete sympathy and harmony with your purpose, and that may be trusted.

And that’s about all the advice Hill offers. The remainder of the chapter is dedicated to the history surrounding the Declaration of Independence. It’s a great read. One I haven’t truly thought about since 5th grade!

Hill writes that it’s nothing short of tragedy that the writers of history have neglected to share the most important message of the story. It’s a story of irresistible power. The same power that must be used by every individual who overcomes the difficulties in life, and forces life to pay the price asked.

While July 4, 1776 marks a turning point in American history, the tipping point was actually September 5, 1774.

On that day, a decision was made to hold a Continental Congress. “Locked in a room were two men immune to fear, blind to the possibility of failure: John Hancock & Samuel Adams.”

It was such men as these, who without power, without authority, without military strength, without money, sat in solemn consideration of the destiny of the colony.

This Master Mind Group of men risked their lives to ensure our freedom. The power that gave this nation its freedom is the same power that must be used by every individual who becomes self-determining. With desire, decision, faith, persistence, the Master Mind, and organized planning, these men changed the course of history!

Hill writes:  “If you search for the secret of the method to success, don’t look for a miracle, because you won’t find it. You will only find the eternal laws of nature. And these laws are available to every person who has the faith and the courage to use them. They may be used to bring freedom to a nation, or to accumulate riches.”

Reach decisions. Those firm in decisiveness get what they want in life.

You must find the courage to overcome indecision.  If you refuse to expect, plan, and demand financial independence, you won’t get it.

Plan for it! Demand & expect it!! And remember to keep your own counsel. You, and you alone, know deep inside what you are capable of !!!

Begin again today. Don’t put off until tomorrow.  If the Almighty has seen fit to offer you another chance at it, by golly, you’d better make the most of it !!!  I sure intend to.  You can do absolutely anything you set your mind to !!






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Finding my Pot of Gold ....
If you change nothing, nothing will change.