

“When I admire the wonders of a sunrise or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi


What a beautifully clear morning here on St. Thomas.

As I sat this morning, my meditation was filled with a touch of sadness. The beginning of December always brings memories of my brother’s passing, 22 years ago. And sadly, yesterday also marked the passing of actor Paul Walker, known for his lead role in The Fast & The Furious. How odd that he too would die in a car accident. I guess God needed another brilliant angel …

And yet, somehow, sitting with the rising sun, I don’t feel so separate from my brother.

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose;

All that we love deeply, becomes a part of us.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, not touched.

But are felt in the heart.

~ Helen Keller


Today also usher’s in Sagittarius’s new moon. With these clear skies, a new moon will offer beautiful star gazing on the patio for our visiting friends. I see some late nights in my near future …;)

This morning, I’ve chosen a couple of quotes from Mystic Mama again, whose words were just what I needed to hear to start my week and month. After the turbulent full moon in November, asking us to deeply question our purpose, December’s new moon is one of the best New Moons of the year for new beginnings …

“The Sagittarius New Moon on December 2 encourages you to dream big. Sagittarius rules future vision. Sagittarius is about truth, wisdom and the expansion of consciousness. The Sagittarius New Moon invites you to be creative. Get out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. You are not to be limited or held back by what is going on in your life today. Sagittarius is the visionary part of you.”

“Sagittarius is the sign of the quest, the quest for life’s meaning. That search for truth—cosmic truth—needs something from each of us. We seem to be born with an urge to understand Life and our place in it. To seek the answers to life’s riddles, we need faith and a deep belief in our own values and principles. We have to aim our arrows and let fly…”

“The ‘new beginnings’ energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius may feel invigorating, freedom oriented as well as symbolically activate passion or excitement in some way. You don’t need a reason to feel passionate, simply knowing you are alive upon the Earth and knowing the blessings of life is good enough.”

Life is short. We never know when we’ll be called back home. May we make the most of every day given to us here on earth. Spend some time tonight under the new moon, dreaming big.

Happy Monday and new beginnings friends 🙂

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Where Did the Phrase "It's Raining Cats & Dogs" Come From ?!?
Thoughts on the Passing of Paul Walker, Christianity & One God