Archive: November 2013


“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ~ Gandhi


“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
  ~ William James

Good morning friends! I hope this finds you enjoying a peaceful & relaxing Saturday. It sure is a beautiful one here on St. Thomas today …

So did you spend some time yesterday creating your Sanity Saver Toolkit ⁇

I for one took my own writing to heart. Spencer was out of the house early yesterday morning to go and finally get my car registered And it turns out I’m fortunate I didn’t go, as my radiator hose had a small leak in it, and the car overheated. So while he was busy taking care of that for me (thank you Spencer!), I made breakfast, and decided to get dinner prepped. read more

"When life seems overwhelming, keep calm and carry on !!" ~ Unknown

“Find the gold in you. You are creating your reality though your thoughts, words and behavior. You can choose to be the victor or the victim. In other words, you can own your power. Or you can give it away. You get to choose. Choose to be empowered…”
~ Kelley Rosano

A thick blanket of clouds kept the sunrise from view today. But I’m always reminded that just because I can’t see it, my blessings are still there for me if I choose to imagine them.

So I’ve been having problems sleeping the past 3 nights. Anyone else out there? read more

“Energy flows where attention goes.”
~ Michael Bernard Beckwith

Good morning friends, and happy hump day to you !!

Yesterday, as I was searching for something I wished to share with you, I ran across something quite astounding.

When Vetaran’s Day – 11/11 – rolled around, I was googling photos for my blog. And was reminded that 11/11/11 was said to have held a very powerful opportunity: If we were to make a sincere wish, an extra-ordinary gateway would open. read more

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