Archive: August 2013

“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I was up at least an hour before dawn today. Just couldn’t sleep. Not alot on my mind, but yet at some level, the pressure of preparing for an extended leave is wearing a bit on me. As I watched the sunrise, thinking what an ordinary Thursday it is, I found myself contemplating ordinary life.

The past ten days, I’ve been on a raw food diet, or I should say simply 100% vegetables, no beans or grains. Whole foods. And I’ll tell you that the energy is truly amazing. While I will write about the foods aspect on my other blog, in relation to this space here, what has struck me is really how much processed foods even I – as a vegan – have in my diet. read more

“Life is just like a camera. Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.”
~ Unknown

So today, we are 233 days into this year 2013. And for my photo, I ended up sharing beauty over interest. This is the first shot on opening my door. But as the time moved on, a tiny rainbow developed in the sky, and only lasted for about a minute. Not quite pretty enough to post, but interesting none-the-less, as it’s the first I’ve seen in all the hours I’ve sat this year. Really makes one appreciate just how lucky we are to see a rainbow. And simply to wake up each and every day. The present. A gift. read more

Thank you to for making this post, also of one of my favorite peoms …

If …. By, Ruyard Kipling

Is it coincidence that this is more or less my logo for my company, Lifting Limitations?

“If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim ….”
~ Ruyard Kipling
What a stormy, windy squally morning here today … I really wanted to stay in bed under my covers!! But I love how the grey skies and whipped up seas made the ocean look so turquoise. The weatherman have been calling it, although it’s hard to see on the big radar where this is coming from. A perfect kind of day to stay inside and finish off my painting, and get my house back in order :)It was with much delight when I briefly checked my email this morning, that Elephant Journal emailed me the above poem. It’s one of my absolute favorites, and I’ve been waiting for the right time to share it. And it’s just right for stormy weather !! The poem always hung on my wall at my various offices in PC Paradise. When the retail and service customers got to be too much for me, I could escape into my office in the back, breathe for a bit, and stare at the poem. It would always reinvigorate me to get back “in the ring” …

I actually enjoyed running retail. I suppose I just like being of help, and being able to help someone find just what they are looking for was always a pleasure. On the other hand, service customers, who usually are in pretty dire straits – ie, their computer was usually dead – can be the absolute worst of humanity. You’d think that since they truly need your help, they would be kind. But no, most of them liked to take their problems out on the front desk, retail person. It was a big life lesson in how NOT to act. Never bite the hand that feeds you, right ?!? read more

“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and new.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What a beautiful still morning to sit and contemplate. I’m so happy that yesterday cleared off to reveal a sunny afternoon for all my friends down at the chili cook off. Spencer headed out for the festivities, while I stayed home for a peaceful day, working on finishing off a graphics project for a client. While the cook-off was over at sundown, Spencer was still not home when I woke up at 1AM, which gave cause for a bit of worry. Just another reminder to offer our love, as our loved ones depart for their day. One never knows when might be the last time we’ll see someone. I was so happy to find him fast asleep on the couch after my meditation this morning ❤ read more

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