Archive: April 2013

“Every advantage has its tax.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy tax day everyone, and what a spectacular golden array the sun produced today! I know for some, tax time can be a bit stressful, but as I mentioned to a client last week, a mentor of mine likes to consider his bills a blessing.

Richard Carlton, in his book ‘The Don’t Sweat Guide to Taxes’ writes: “At tax time, it helps to remember that if your tax obligation has increased from the previous year, it’s usually because you’re enjoying more income. That’s a situation to which most of us aspire. Higher taxes are a price that we pay for greater success.” read more

“I am a money magnet.”
~ The Universe

So do I have you chucking a bit this bountiful Sunday morning? My higher powers had me repeating this mantra over and over today, as I sat awaiting the quiet sunrise.

Let me ask … How did the above statement make you feel?

I’ve talked about prosperity consciousness a bit before, but I’m going to talk a little bit more about it today.

According to the Law of Attraction, you’re a magnet attracting into your life whatever you focus on. It is, therefore, a wise course of action to focus on what you DO want rather than what you DON’T want. read more

“Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you’re put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.”
~ Vincent van Gogh

Who am I ? Who are You ? This is the question I contemplated, as I watched the sun slowly rise this morning behind that big dark cloud.

Last night, I attended a party for the Grand Re-Opening of a friend’s business. I was by myself, and I did not know the vast majority of the attendees. My friend is very good at social introductions, and was kind enough to offer numerous intros. So it was a perfect opportunity for me to practice my “I am”, since almost everyone asked what I do for a living down here. read more

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