“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.”
~ J. B. Priestly

I loved watching the sunrise this morning. Watching the brilliant beam of light that lit up the clouds right above me, change from a brilliant pink to a soft, glowing yellow. And all the while, very fresh tradewinds were blowing in my face, catching my hair, welcoming the start of a new day.

Yesterday I began updating our villa website. It felt like it was time for a clean sweep.

There are some really wonderful quotes on new beginnings and fresh starts, and each one seems to attest to the fact that we just need to take the dive.

“The beginning is the most important part of the work” says Plato.

One of the greatest writers of all time, John Steinbeck, wrote:

“When I face the desolate impossibility of writing 500 pages, a sick sense of failure falls on me, and I know I can never do it. Then gradually, I write one page and then another. One day’s work is all that I can permit myself to contemplate.”

I sort of felt like John Steinbeck yesterday. As I implemented my new design, it didn’t go as smoothly as I anticipated. But I began, and now it would be just as difficult to go back. If I let myself contemplate the whole thing, it became a little overwhelming. So whenever my mind would try to go there, I would get up and take a break. Then I’d come back, and focus on one single element. And one element at a time, I kept plugging away. By the end of the day, I’d made some progress. Maybe not were I had hoped to be, but progress none-the-less. And today, I’ll plug away at it some more. And hopefully, by the weekend, my site will be back up, a fresh start.

So yesterday, a friend said to me that things seem to be changing rapidly. Well, the Mayan calendar is behind us, we have entered the age of Aquarius. We’ve been told that this coming new era would usher in a period of group consciousness, and a radical shift.

Sandra Weaver writes: It’s a time to understand that WE are the spiritual masters we have been waiting for. As we think so shall we create. In a new and developed consciousness everything will be given freely on demand to meet a need. Aware individuals will not conceive of lack. What we give out of love grows, not diminishes. We will become “spiritual beings having a human experience,” instead of human beings having a worldly experience. Spirit and matter will merge and function as one.

As she concludes her writing, Sandra says: I know some of you are thinking you are helpless to steer the change. But you’re wrong! It can happen. All it takes is for you and I and the next guy to change our thinking and values to align with the coming new Age of Aquarius. Once the synergistic ball starts to roll, it will be unstoppable. Forgiveness is the KEY.

It’s interesting that I’m attending a summit on changing minds to change the world. Obviously, there are many that believe it is possible. And badly needed. Might I ask, what are you doing? Does it seem impossible ??  Even if it’s something small, inch by inch, I believe we can leave this world a better place in our lifetime.

Give it some thought, and I hope you’ll join me. One fresh start at a time ♥

For more on the Age of Aquarius:

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