“In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen.”
~ William S. Burroughs

It’s wonderful waking up to a clean home, a beautiful sunrise, and fresh trade winds again, as we begin another work week!

So I’ve been postponing making final plans for a short spring break. No reason really, just didn’t feel inspired to set the dates in stone quite yet. And magically, it seems that Spencer has an opportunity to do a boat delivery with a good friend, make a little money, and free passage up to the states. As for myself, I remained undecided …

When my dear friend and colleague Pam passed away in 2009, her funeral was up in a small town in northern Michigan. My Dad’s family lives nearby, in Wisconsin. So I visited with them and had the opportunity to meet one of my 1st cousin’s daughters. She was only just graduating from high school at the time, but I sensed we shared a common outlook on life, and quickly became friends. I felt like I’ve known her all my life. Funny how it’s like that with certain people …

Through Facebook, I’ve been able to keep up with her, and she is now graduating college up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with studies in anthropology, environmental studies and our food supply. She has been fortunate to spend summers in China, studying their economy and culture, and was drawn to travel to Nepal.

Over Easter, she went to yoga, and while in camel pose – a huge heart opener – she happened to think of me (imagine that!). And gave me a call after class. We missed each other that day, but we had a chance to reconnect yesterday. She later told me that during that same yoga class, many thoughts she was having concerning post graduation were answered. Ah, the power of yoga 🙂

As we chatted, we got to talking about Nepal, China and the Dalai Lama. Meeting him also is on her bucket list !! As we closed out our call, we promised that we’d travel together, near or far, to see him one day. And that we hoped to see each other again sometime soon.

I recounted my conversation with her to Spencer, who immediately got on the web, and looked to see where the Dalai Lama is speaking. Low and behold, he is speaking in Madison, Wisconsin in May !!! I’ll be calling today to find out if the event is open to the public, and if it is, I’ll begin my plans to fulfilling my bucket list and to seeing my beautiful cousin.

Call that coincidence … ? Or did we will it …?

Einstein said that coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous.

Just as I offered yesterday: Believe my friends. Believe!! Anything in this life is possible if you truly ask for it from your heart with a prayer to our creator ♥

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