Archive: February 2013

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand-and melting like a snowflake…”
~ Marie Beyon Ray

Sundays seem to always have this more relaxed feel to them for me. It’s not that I’ll accomplish less today, I’ll just be going about it a little differently. I wonder what I can do to bring this “Sunday” feeling to everyday other day of the week … Turning down the heat in the hand, so the snowflake melts a bit slower … ? read more

“Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes – every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man”.
~ Orison Swett Marden

As part of my zen training, I gave up watching the news. Especially in the morning. But this morning, I couldn’t help but turn on the Weather Channel to see Nemo the Blizzard. Leaves me wishing I could put on a snow suit and go outside and make some snow people and snow angels. I suppose I could hit the beach and make sand castles and sand angels. But it’s just not the same …. I do sometimes miss the beauty of winter. read more

The truth is the only thing worth having, and, in a civilized life, like ours, where so many risks are removed, facing it is almost the only courageous thing left to do.
~E.V. Lucas

So this morning, my boyfriend points out an article published by one of my trusted news sources. I guess there is growing evidence that the Sandy Hook massacre has been layered in deception, that some of the websites and pages might have been created days before the actual murders. The article goes on to ask some very disturbing questions about our freedoms … read more

So now faith, hope and love abide, these three;
but the greatest of these is love.
~ Corinthians 13:13

Wow! Big hearts in the sky!!

I can feel the love energy today. I hope you can too, and that you’ll share it on your journeys today ♥

“We can speak without voice to the trees and the clouds and the waves of the sea. Without words they respond through the rustling of leaves and the moving of clouds and the murmuring of the sea.”
~ Paul Tillich

So much can change in a day. The thick layer of morning clouds, and our cool trade winds, have returned once again. And after a brief bought with the flu, I am feeling back to my “normal” self, whatever that is 😉

There is a message on Thankfulness that I keep on my computer desktop. Today I am reminded of it …. read more

In our lives, we have two or three opportunities to be a hero, but almost every day, we have the opportunity not to be a coward.
~ Spanish Proverb

I haven’t written much about Random Acts of Kindness. I work from a home office, so my daily – face to face – interaction with people is fairly limited.

I absolutely love that last photo and quote sent to me by my friend, and fellow lightworker, Christina Curtin. My RAKs over the past month have been small in nature. Individually not worth mentioning. Every morning, I set my intention for the day to be open to the possibility of kindness. This means emptying my own mind of thoughts, so I can actually hear people when they speak. This means opening my heart to feeling things that are both pleasant and unpleasant and feeling them both the same. This means lending a hand when I feel tired. read more

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