Old friends pass away, new friends appear.
It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives.
The important thing is to make it meaningful:
A meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.
~ The Dalai Lama


I have a new friend coming to visit tomorrow.  She’s not exactly a new friend, we’ve known each other for a number of years now, becoming friends through Facebook and over the phone.  This will be only the second time we’ve ever met in person.  I can’t wait to welcome her into our home, and to share these quiet morning sunrises and moments with her.

I think it’s really cool:  How the internet allows new friends to appear in our lives. And I have fewer ‘old friends’ that have passed away.  Most of my old friends have been re-incarnated into my life here though Facebook.  One of my favorite re-incarnates is a boy that I met at an amusement park when I was in 8th grade.  We were penpals for many years, but eventually lost touch.  Through Facebook, we found one another again.  It’s wonderful to see where life lead him and to get a piece of his sense of humor on a daily basis.

There only a few friends that still remain lost.  But even just last month, one of my closest college friends, who is not on Facebook, found me via the web and emailed me.  We were able to quickly catch up with each others’ lives.  I hope he’ll someday join our on-line community.

Two days ago, I received a friend request from a boy that I coached in basketball some 25 years ago.  How cool is that ?!?  I had to wonder what he was thinking about that made him search me out on the internet.  His family lived briefly on our street, and he was my brother’s age.  At the time, he was in 6th grade, and I was in 10th grade, coaching the elementary school league because our teachers went on strike that year, and they needed someone to coach and my brother recommended me.  It was one of the most memorable years of my life.  Those young boys taught me more about teamwork than any other lessons I’ve had in life.  Our team made it to the championship, and lost by only a few points.  I remember in the final minutes, I put in a boy who lacked self confidence.  I’m sure everyone thought I was crazy, but to see the look on that little boy’s face, because someone believed in him, was just priceless.  And he went out there and gave 110%.

So cheers, to meaningful friends, and meaningful days.  May we all be blessed with many of them. ༺♥༻




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