“Your life will be transformed when you make peace with your shadow. The caterpillar will become a breathtakingly beautiful butterfly. You will no longer have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You will no longer have to prove you’re good enough. When you embrace your shadow you will no longer have to live in fear. Find the gifts of your shadow and you will finally revel in all the glory of your true self. Then you will have the freedom to create the life you have always desired.”
~ Debbie Ford

A tribute to Debbie Ford:
A brilliant light was extinguished on planet earth this week with the passing of author and self-help guru Debbie Ford. I think each of us has defining moments in our lives. Reading Debbie’s book “The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse” back in 2009 was one of those defining moments in my life.

I was unhappy where my life had ended up, yet I felt powerless to change it. I held regrets, resentments, pain from the loss of loved ones. I was stuck in the past. Yet every day these things were covered up with a smile. Life looked perfect on the outside. Inside there was turmoil. Who wants to hear about these things? Friends and family didn’t. Even I didn’t. Yet there they were, festering in the subconscious. And most of the time, I wasn’t even aware I had these thoughts. That which we resist, persists.

Debbie writes: “Our society nurtures the illusion that all the rewards go to the people who are perfect. But many of us are finding out that trying to be perfect is costly. Many of us are frightened to look within ourselves, and fear has us put up walls so thick we no longer remember who we really are. By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.”

In her book, Debbie offers 21 powerful exercises to assist in releasing the past, becoming present, and opening to a soul-centered and inspired future.

In the first chapter, Debbie writes “If you are going to give up the self that you have known yourself to be, it is imperative that you leave your history behind. And to truly do this, it is essential that you milk your past for everything it has to offer – for all the gifts, wisdom, and blessing that it holds. As you begin this sacred process, allow yourself to be present to the fact that you are on a holy journey of living a soul-centered life – a life directed by the greatest forces in the universe.”

Oprah writes: “The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse is a practical program that promises to alter the quality and direction of your life and support you in not only obtaining your goals for the new year, but, more importantly, creating a new loving and nurturing relationship with yourself and with the power that sources you. This program will enable you to take back your power from the outer world, turn inward and reconnect with your inner guide and your highest self. Instead of being guided this year by your head and what you think you should do, you will be inspired and directed by your heart’s deepest desires.”

Thank you Debbie. You changed my life, the way I connect with myself, my spiritual source, and the world around me. You inspired and taught me how to release what was no longer serving me, and to have the courage to work towards my soul’s calling. Encouraging me to share these types of messages with the world.

If my words resonate with you, and you too need help changing your orientation towards life, you can read most of Debbie’s book via the link below. It’s a great place to start 

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Get-Started-Take-Debbie-Fords-21-Day-Consciousness-Cleanse#ixzz2LRHf5V9V

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