“In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is far more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.”
~ Warren Buffett

Why are we humans such creatures of habit?

Last night I went out to eat with my parents, who are in town visiting for the winter. I always have to prepare myself, because usually some part of the evening will be devoted to hearing about someone’s illnesses. Last night was no exception. A good friend of theirs was recently diagnosed with an ‘unknown’ auto-immune disease. First they thought it was rheumatoid arthritis, now it’s ‘maybe’ something else. Her skin is receding.

I am of the opinion that the human body is made up of the food we put into it, the environment we surround ourselves with and are exposed to, and the energy that we feed our mind and spirit. We are energy beings after all, living in a house made up of bones, muscles, nerves, composed mainly of water. We can change most of our physical make up in two years.

So why do we look to doctors to give us a magic pill to make us better instead at looking at these basic truth?

My heart breaks when I hear that someone is suffering. But it breaks even more when people refuse to look at the role they play in their lives – their diet, the toxins, the noise, the clutter, the lack of physical and spiritual exercise. I expressed these thoughts, and they went over like a lead balloon. I don’t have fancy initials behind my name.

I too have been in physical pain. I did not look for a pill.
I refused to go have cat scans done. I refused to take drugs for nerve pain.

Instead, I spent a year with a chiropractor, massage therapist, and yoga teacher changing the physiology of my body. I am ever so grateful to Integrative Energy Movement Center and my teacher Marshan Sam for opening me up to these truths in life, and allowing me the opportunity to see them through my own experience. I changed my desk layout. I no longer sit for extended periods of time. I do yoga and energy medicine on a daily basis. I meditate to connect with my spiritual source and calm my mind and empower my spirit. I would have gone to an acupuncturist had the pain persisted. I worked with an intuit to change my thought patterns. I detox and build my immune systems using cleansing-healing foods. I am learning as much as I can about herbalism. Modern medicine and pharmaceuticals seem to be ignoring these most basic, ancient truths in life. And I’m fed up. I had a hard time listening and being compassionate.

I am grateful to have a blog such as this that offers me a space to vent. And I am building a number of web based businesses on healthy living. So I can listen with compassion to people’s pain. So I can offer them another boat if they choose to abandon their leaky ship. I look forward to sharing them with you in the months ahead.

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