Love the world, in an ever widening circle of kindness, and keep loving until the day when love conquers all hatred and no one and no thing is excluded from loves tender embrace. For of all the treasures in life, there is nothing better than giving a person a piece of your heart!
~ Unknown

Happy Valentines Day Everyone ♥

I hope your day is filled with the little things that make your heart happy …

And then maybe some chocolates, or a little candy heart with ‘I Love You’ stamped on it from a secret admirer, a bunch of flowers from your very own valentine, and lots of hugs and kisses too …

And if I gathered up the courage to ask “Will you be my Valentine?”, I hope you’d be kind enough to say yes 😉

Can’t we have more than one Valentine like when we were kids ?!? If you asked me, I know I’d be yours … !

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