
“When life seems overwhelming, keep calm and carry on !!”
   ~ Unknown

You know, I actually have a holiday to-go cup with that motto stamped on it. I think it might be smart to get it out as my daily drinking glass …

I spent some time yesterday afternoon trying to get my calendar together for the next 5 weeks.

As my mind scanned through everything I want done before the holidays this year, my body began responding to these thoughts too: Breath holding. Stomach clenched. Shoulders crunched up to my ears. Old trigger point in my neck began to ache …

Are you also beginning to feel the pressure of the holidays creeping up on you ?

What if we could let go of the tension? How would it feel if we felt confident we could handle the year-end business goals, holiday parties, and family commitments with more grace and ease this year?

I happened across a really insightful article from the editor of Spa Time Magazine.

She offers 3 simple “Chaos Cleansing” strategies:

1. Craft an intention.

Craft a motto that will support your health and your sanity this holiday season. Grab a sheet of paper and write out your unique intention. Even if you never look at it again, just the action of writing shifts your intention into consciousness.

 2. Increase Awareness.

What causes and what alleviates your stress?

Create your sanity-saver toolkit: Jot down your stress triggers. Then, prepare a list of what alleviates your stress. Be completely honest and authentic here. (And I suppose she’s not talking about multiple glasses of wine here LOL).

3. Take responsibility.

Realize that you, and only you, are in charge of what gets done. Chip away the unnecessary. Shift from a “time-management” mindset to an “energy-management” mindset.

You can read the short article, tips & examples here in it’s entirety:

I’m glad I left my calendar for a fresh pair of eyes today. It looks completely different from an “energy” management perspective.

Back to this month’s mantra and intention:

I EXHALE worry … and INHALE peace.

I RELEASE tension … and ACCEPT tranquility.

I BREATHE OUT fear … and BREATHE IN courage.

I LET GO OF all anger … and WELCOME love.

I RELEASE my sadness … and RECEIVE joy.

TGIF … It’ll all get done sooner (or later!)


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