Archive: July 2013

“If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.”
~Andrea Boydston

Yesterday, I learned that Pringles are really bad for me. So horrible in fact, that Mercola labeled them “Cancer in a Can”. I don’t eat Pringles too often. But if I’m experiencing motion sickness, Pringles are my go to cure. I swear by them.

Maraschino cherries, too. From the sounds of it, they are one tasty bite of liquid calcium chloride and sulfur dioxide. I just left a jar up in the villa. Should I go toss them, lest I kill one of my incoming guests ?? read more

Yesterday is ashes.
Tomorrow is green wood.
Only today does the fire burn brightly.

Eskimo Proverb

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
~ Plato

A heavy, soothing rain shower had me up before dawn this morning. And of course my concern for Gabby. She’s still breathing, but not showing the remarkable improvement that doc hoped for. So back to the vets she’ll go today.

I thank you for all of your prayers. This morning, my daily metta prayer specifically reached out to my parents, and their best friends. A few posts back, you may recall my wondering why my parents just couldn’t seem to get their plans together for their 50th wedding anniversary. Well, it seems their best friend will be passing away. So instead of a time of celebration, this week will most likely end up being a time of sadness and grief for them. read more

“Change always comes bearing gifts.”
~ Price Pritchett

This past week, I’ve had the opportunity to contemplate lots of changes, for myself and many of my friends and family. Be it loss of jobs, relationships, illness …. We all experience on-going change. And many times, change can be of an unwanted nature and challenging to handle. Knowing that we have to come to terms with it, doesn’t make it any easier.

Life can bring dramatic changes in only a period of minutes. Over the weekend, my cat Gabby became ill. She was fine on Friday, but today, she can hardly lift her head, and we have no idea what is wrong. She needs to head into the vet first thing this morning. I think sometimes, watching another in pain can be even more painful than when we are hurting ourselves. We can feel helpless, in addition to feeling grief. read more

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