“Grace is not part of consciousness; it is the amount of light in our souls, not knowledge nor reason.”
~  Pope Francis

Late yesterday afternoon, I was sitting on my Westside deck porch, reading a chapter in Billy Fingers.  Below my deck sits a lone tall and straggly Caribbean palm tree, whom I call Moko Jumbie.

moko-jumbies--blue-david-franckeMoko jumbies are a cultural icon on the island of St. Croix, and literally means a a stilt walker or dancer.   Each month in  downtown Christiansted, businesses stay open late and there’s a street party.   Moko Jumbies dance in the street, wearing colorful outfits and carnival masks, performing magic tricks.    They were my deceased friend Pam’s favorite, and she had many art pieces of the Moko Jumbie.

The origin of the term may come from “Moko”, a possible reference to an African god, and “Jumbi”, a West Indian term for a ghost or spirit that may have been derived from the Kongo language word zumbi.   Moko, in the traditional sense, is a god.  He watches over his village, and due to his towering height, he is able to foresee danger and evil.

It is under my beautiful Moko Jumbie tree that I learned to attune my ears to the universal stream of consciousness.   When I would sit under this tree in stillness, his chattering branches would often provide me with guidance and unspoken words of wisdom.    Sometimes I would think it was my friend Pam talking with me from beyond.   My beloved cat Apache is also buried beneath this tree.   I’ve spent many late nights with a friend under this tree, on my yoga deck, often in times of pain, learning about myself, praying to God for answers, developing faith.   It’s been a long time since I’ve sat there …

Well yesterday afternoon, Moko Jumbie tree began chattering up a storm !!!!

My ears picked up on it, and it was just as I was reading a passage in the Billy Finger’s book “But for the Grace of God” and how precious each one of our lives is in the grand workings of the universe.

Within minutes, a whale was spotted, circling the waters right below the villa.   Talk about grace …!

Later, I came back inside, and began doing research on chakras.  It seems that I am most definitely meant to share this message of Grace with you all today, for at the top of the first page I went to, here was this quote…

“How can we recognize what God wants for us? God wants nothing from us at all, but we always want something from Him.  All that you receive comes from God.  Everything that happens, happens by God’s grace.  Accept with gratitude and contentment whatever you receive in life.  God is love, happiness, beauty, grace and peace – that is “God’s will” for you and for all living beings.”

“In God’s garden of grace, even a broken tree can bare fruit.”
~  Pastor Rick Warren




Give thanks that God granted you another day on this earth.   This has not been granted to everyone.   Open your eyes and ears to the beauty and wisdom that is all around you.   And know that you are loved beyond imagine …

Imagine the warmth, sitting in the glow of my sunrise … That’s God’s grace … Bask in it today ….

“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.”
~  David Vincent









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Springtime Renewal
Powerful Beyond Measure