Category: Yoga

“Water, if you don’t stir it, will become clear of mud; The mind, left unaltered, will find its own natural peace.” ~ Buddha

"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." ~ Unknown

"Faith is seeing light with your heart, when all your eyes see is darkness." ~ Unknown

"Crying is one of the highest devotional songs. One who knows crying, knows spiritual practice. If you can cry with a pure heart, nothing else compares to such a prayer."

Who am I, beautiful cloud Angel ?

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”
~Les Brown

It’s a squally day here today, with the last front that came off the east coast pushing huge swells, winds and rain showers our way. It’s perfect weather to talk about the 1st Chakra, or Root Chakra, symbolized by the color red. When life’s circumstances cause this chakra to come out of balance, we too, will find ourselves fearful, in stormy weather.

kundaliniIf you think about the American Medical Association, you might recall that the symbol for medicine is a staph with spirals running up it, sometimes symbolized with an eagle on top. This symbol actually is representative of the yoga system of kundalini energy coursing up the body, from the sacrum to the crown of the head. This symbol carries an important message to energy healing, acupuncture, chakra balancing and chiropractic. The two snakes are representations of the spinal tracts known as the ida (Yin) and the pingala (Yang). These two snakes are coiled around what is referred to as the sushumna, or main spinal tract or cord. read more

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