“Through wholehearted dedication – Ishvara Pranidhana – we become intoxicated with the Divine.”
~  Patanjoli Yoga Sutra 11.45

What a beautiful glowing heart in the clouds to end my sitting this morning! Yet, to start, a large dark cloud covered half my field of vision. Obscuring the light. I found myself humming Michael Jackson’s song “Black and White” as I sat there thinking: We’d really like life to be black and white, wouldn’t we! Assured. But life rarely is …

As many of you know, I’ve come to work with a set of Oracle cards to assist me in tuning into guidance from my higher self and my spirit guides. Over the past 2 seasons and Equinox cycles, the “Fog-Veiled” card has arisen in my spiral. At the Summer 2014 Solstice, Fog occupied the realm of Possibility. I held a special drawing in November 2014, with Fog occupying the Future. Interestingly, at the Winter Solstice in December the realms of Future and Possibility were replaced by Passionate Fire and a Volatile Volcano of Reassessment. The Winter Solstice also featured a new moon, signifying a turning point and renewal.

I am so happy to share that with this Spring’s Equinox, and full solar eclipse, Fog has shifted to my Past.

The meaning behind the Fog-Veiled card is this: Fog is simply a low cloud, a blanket of water crystals, yet to become raindrops. Fog can be so thick that it makes it nearly impossible to see directly in front of us. During these times, silence makes its own sound, as we pause and allow ourselves to be enveloped in this shroud of impenetrable density. We may even feel as if we can do nothing but be still and wait for what is to be revealed. Yet, even within the thickest fog, we can be assured that it will eventually burn off, our surroundings once again becoming illuminated, so we can continue onward ….

The Fog Card advises: You are enmeshed in confusion and uncertainty, and are unsure if it will ever clear up. This is not the best time to make decisions, especially major ones. Know that this foggy veil will clear. Although you may be contributing to this state, the greater truth is that this is simply a cycle you are moving through, and this too shall pass. Allow yourself to feel confused – in fact, decide to be confused. Be still and patient, so as not to confuse things further. A glimmer of awareness will appear, lifting the veil so you can see more clearly the choices before you and can them choose to align yourself with the will of Spirit.

As I think through these past 9 months, so much has happened. And for followers of this blog, you know that I have written much about confusion, ambiguity, and working to gain comfort in “not knowing” as we find ourselves at foggy forks in the roads.

So much was going on around me that I was not aware of. And since the Winter Solstice, I have been striving forward with passion, sometimes truly feeling like I was in a volcano of volatility. I’ve been engrossed in some pretty challenging conversations in all of my relations: Parents, boyfriend, friends. I’ve not made any decisions in my darkness, but these conversations revealed that, in many ways, I’d been clueless to what was going on around me. We do not live in isolation, and people often keep things to themselves that take time and the right circumstances to be revealed. Things are much clearer for me now.

Just as the clouds this morning were finally dissipated and burned off by the rising sun, it’s during our times of challenge that we are asked to place our faith in Spirit. To allow ourselves to be guided, knowing we are always one with Spirit’s loving embrace.

My guidance for Spring is amazingly hopeful and clear!

As is written in the stars, I hope this Spring Equinox brings for you the promise of renewal, rebirth, and a clearer path. But if you happen to be in a fog, dig deeply into your faith with holy Spirit, knowing this cycle too shall pass ….

As the greatest yoga master Patanjali described, by seeing through the illusion of the limited, human self we come to know ourselves as part and parcel of the great Self or Cosmic Mystery.

Have a beautiful Sunday friends!


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