“Expect to have hope rekindled.  Expect your prayers to be answered in wonderous ways.   The dry seasons of life do not last.   The spring rains will come again.”
~  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Happy Spring Equinox!   Along with today signifying a time of rebirth, we are also blessed with an exceedingly rare full solar eclipse, which also coincides with the beginning of the Hebrew month of Nisan, the first month in the biblical calendar year!   For many, these concurrent events are infused with both great natural significance and profound religious meaning ….

A total solar eclipse at the North Pole on the first day of spring occurs only once every 100,000 years. For it to occur on the first day of the first month of the biblical calendar year is, however, entirely unprecedented since this is only the year 5775 according to Jewish tradition … There has never been such a solar occurrence in human history!

In astrological terms, the solar eclipse is occurring in the very last degree of Pisces, which is also the very last degree of the zodiac. The 29th degree of any sign is called the ‘anaretic degree,’ and it indicates that we are at a choice point…

Pam Younghans writes:    “We might call this a pivot point, a time of choosing new options and releasing the old.  It is a time for breakthroughs and insights, when we can ride the energies of change into a new future.”

Sarah Varcas from her Astro Awakenings writes:  “An eclipse here speaks of completion on a grand scale… This degree of the zodiac brings to a close great cycles of time and change, major life themes and patterns.”

“The cycles now ending offered certain challenges, opportunities and emergent wisdom. They required choices, the distant outcomes of which we now face.  Past courage will reap rewards of freedom and deep peace.  Decisions made out of fear, from a defensive heart, reveal now the fading of a future self even as we gaze upon it:  Opportunities lost, the time for action passed. We may feel burdened with shame or regret, sadness or grief.  But no matter the pain this moment may hold, there is comfort and hope at hand…”

“Let it go:  Regret or shame, sorrow or sadness, for chances now gone.  New ones await us the other side of the darkened Sun. They hold promise of wisdom and hope of freedom from all that held us back before.”

“The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal, where you can access higher dimensions of consciousness.  This is an awesome opportunity to merge with your Soul Self.  Be who you really are.  Be your authentic Self.”

It’s a brilliant day for ritual and prayer.  Enter the stillness through meditation, prayer or ceremony offering gratitude for the gift of Life and All that Is.

I hope you’ll join me today, spending time in quiet reflection, seeking wisdom from your higher self, as we navigate into this new unfolding chapter of our lives …. Happy Spring


Source:  http://www.mysticmamma.com/total-solar-eclipse-new-moon-in-pisces-equinox-march-20th-2015/

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