“Everything changes. The leaves, the weather, the color of your hair, the texture of your skin. The feelings you have today – whether they kill you or enthrall you – won’t be the same tomorrow, so let go. Celebrate. Enjoy. Nothing lasts, except your decision to celebrate everything, everyone, for the beauty that is there within each moment, each smile, each impermanent flicker of infinity.”
~ Vironika Tugaleva

This morning, I was up an hour before sunrise. I sat for quite a long time before the sun finally peeked out from beneath the clouds. Interestingly, I found myself dealing with a number of emotions ….

The Buddha taught that all emotions are impermanent, coming and going in our mind like clouds in the sky, and that they are not our true nature. According to Buddha, the real nature of our mind is pure, free of delusions, like a clear, cloudless sky.

As I sat, watching my emotions ebb and flow, like the clouds in the sky, I was curious what might be going on in the astrological world. Do the stars had anything to do with this heightened sense of emotion this morning … ?

Maybe many of us are feeling pretty emotional today ….. ?

Sure enough, today is the final chapter in the continuing saga of Uranus square Pluto. These two powerhouses have dominated astrology–and everyone’s lives–since June 2012, when they made their first of seven difficult alignments. Today, Uranus and Pluto finish the story they started then, as they line up for the final time.

Take time today to look back over the last three years. Recall your life before 2012. How is your life different now? How are YOU different now? (Me and my life? Amazingly different!!!)

“The final Uranus-Pluto square kicks off a nearly three week period of big energies. If you’re feeling sadness, edgy, jittery, or impatient, you likely are picking up on these looming shifts.” (Yep!!!)

“Ultimately, we’ve had to undergo change to awaken to who we really are and to have courage to begin being that true self openly. If we’ve handled this energy appropriately, then we may well have experienced losses, having to let go of outdated ways of being, old ideas of who we are, and outworn roles we no longer want to play. We’ve had to cope with relentless pressure to change and to transform your life to be more in line with your soul’s desires.”

“Today’s final square will bring us a final inner battle: This may feel like a last struggle to decide which way to go on something major in your life. It also could feel like being between a rock and a hard place and being forced to simply make a decision once and for all.”

“Finally, for the only time in the Uranus-Pluto story, both planets will be moving forward in the sky. Up to now, every square has had one of these two planets in retrograde motion, giving the past three years a strongly push-pull feeling that compounded feelings of being stuck or constantly challenged. Now, however, with both planets in direct motion and so much Aries energy, we have a cosmic signal to open the gates and GO !!!”

“Like old shoes that no longer fit our feet comfortably, our former selves simply don’t fit anymore and must be left behind. Freed from constricting patterns and personas, we’re ready to expand into better feeling ways and better times and to step into new and wonderful shoes.”

“Let yourself turn a corner, overcome the obstacle, and move on with a better, more soul-centered life.”

Happy Uranus-Pluto Move-Forward Monday ❤



Resource:  http://www.mysticmamma.com/final-7th-of-7-uranus-pluto-square-march-16th-2015/


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Holding Space in Support of Others