“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
  ~ Albert Einstein

Life is hysterical.  Here we are in the process of reading Napoleon Hill’s chapter on Organized Planning.   And what is standing out for me is one big sentence that I wrote:

Our plans need to be practical and workable.  Not fixed.

Today I should be writing about the characteristics of a leader.  What makes a good one and what makes a bad one.

Instead, I’m going to write about life.  Because no matter how hard we plan, life is going to throw us curve balls.  And just as Albert Einsten say, it’s our ability to roll with the punches that determines our success.

I’m actually shocked, as I re-open up to Hill’s lists that “the ability to change” is not a top quality of a leader.  Hill does, however, list as a top ten major cause of failure “lack of imagination” which renders leaders incapable of meeting emergencies.

Spencer is set to head off island on Monday for a ski trip.   While he was gone, I had “imagined” in my head a number of things that I would get accomplished.

Instead, yesterday our pool pump exploded during our villa check-in and broke Spencer’s hand!  On the bright side, he isn’t dead, and his arm isn’t amputated, which could just as easily have happened.   The pump could have hit him in the head, and he would have fallen over the cliff.  When I heard him yell in pain, these are the images that first appears.  So thank you God for watching over him.

What I have to ask myself is this:  I have a plan.   Why does Spencer’s presence, or lack there of, effect my plan?  What do I need to do to ensure my plans still come together, even if not in the way I envisioned?  Plans must be workable …. Otherwise, they really aren’t plans are they …?

I think this is one of the few challenges of being in a relationship.  There is an “us” to attend to.  And sometimes “us” can feel like it interferes with “me”.  But I wouldn’t trade that for the world …

Off to the ER “we” head, and I appreciate and thank you for your healing wishes in advance <3

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